right quantity meaning in Chinese
- To help maintain a young heart for life , it is important to eat the right foods in the right quantities
为了终身都有一颗年轻的心,吃什么吃多少都很重要。 - Responsible for tracking procurement activities to ensure the right goods / service deliver at right time with right quantity
负责跟踪采购订单的执行情况以确保在正确的时间以正确的数量提供正确的产品服务。 - It should be mentioned that part of such technology transfer requires having the necessary inputs in the right quantities , to the farmer , at the correct time
应当指出,这种技术转让部分地依赖于将所需投入以适当的数量在适当的时候送到农民手中。 - If you eat a variety of fruits , vegetables , and whole grains , along with moderate amounts of a variety of low - fat dairy and protein and the right quantity of calories , you don ' t need to supplement